Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Oh Tuhan di depan ujian
Terasa diri ini memerlukanmu
Ku harap kau lindungi
Hamba yang lemah ini
Kau Tuhan Maha Kuasa
Maha pengampun

Ku harapkan pintu taubatmu terbuka luas
Untuk hambamu yang sering leka
Dengan rahmatmu dan kasih sayangmu
Kau ampunilah segala dosaku
Moga selamat di dunia dan akhirat

Exam month, aduhh tekanan...ujian demi ujian..setiap mase, bersedia untuk bersedia untuk bersedia untuk exam...hah, camne tuh?hhaha

Ye kawan2, yang paling penting dalam menghadapi ujian adalah semangat...biar ujian tu tak terase berat....supaye kite seronok ber'prepare' untuk exam dan seronok ber'prepare mengambil result exam'..

kebalakangan ni biler terase diri jauh dari Tuhan, terus rase cam xde semangat nak belajar...Rase cam boley buat semua bende other then studies...bagus nih, tapi bahaye...hmmm...sesungguhnye exam itu susah dan menakutkan..saye pule da penat....EXAM...EXAM....EXAM...cess, meragam cam budak2...tapi, nk buat camane, ujian tu lah yg tentukan samada kite layak atau tak untuk teruskan perjalanan...rasenye kalau 2nd year saye tak lepas, pastuh saye nk masuk third yr, uish, tak berani weyh!!! Tapi takpe, saye akan teruskan usaha saye...dulu ade senior kate, time exam period ni lah time nak tingkatkan amalan...coz, kitenye tugas tinggal belajar, tidor, makan dan beramal...semua tuh hak diri kite pade diri kite...InsyaAllah, Allah akan permudahkan... ameen

Friday, 8 April 2011

He has His ways...

Smtyms, you want something so badly,

but you dont want to hope you can have it,

Coz not having it would be pathetic,

Hope, and seeing the hopes crush away,

What can be worst?

Like a night that only gets darker...

but you want it,

that all you can do is belief,

Belief that if its for you, it will come to you in the very mysterious way..

If its for you, it will come either walking, or running,

It will come, you belief

because nothing in this world is impossible,

Everything in this world is His..

He has the right to give anything to whomever He wish,

He owns the heaven and the earth,

He owns the east and the west,

He makes the impossible possible

He is the only One you can hope on to,

So you hope onto Him , for that thing that seemed impossible

Then you wait,

Wait and wait, and get tired of waiting,

That thing that seemed impossible is becoming even more never happening

somehow, you can't help but trusting the word giving up.

that hoping is just the scariest thing

Like the night that is raining, with heavy clouds and thunder

each moment, even more scarier

but the hope never walks away,

until you see a shun of light,

d light that you see gets even brighter,

then your hopes rekindled,

you see what you want, there

there, just in front of you..

What is left, is for you to pick it up,

then you remember

He has His ways.

He has His ways of fulfilling hope.

Thank You Allah, Thank you for all....